Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 7 of AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge

It has been a week, since I made the commitment of leaning out and toning up with Advocare's 24-Day Challenge.  There have definitely been some difficult obstacles for me to overcome:

  1. Not eating dessert everyday like I did during pregnancy, rather eating a piece of fruit if I'm craving something sweet. (I had to through away two tubs of ice cream to get them out of sight--they were pretty much devoured anyway!)
  2. Eating clean every 2-3 hours. (This is difficult because I have a one month old that constantly wants to eat and has a messy diaper.)
  3. I love carbs, so I've had to learn about "healthy carbs" that will give you lasting energy versus the crash-and-burn energy. (Healthy Carbs: sweet potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, brown rice and grain bread. Crash-and-burn carbs: potato chips, fried rice and crackers with cheese, etc)
Commitments are not easy and the obstacles can be a PITA (pain in the a**), but they are well worth it when you experience amazing results and achieve your goals.  I have more energy (even though I only get about 5 interrupted hours of sleep a night),  my focus and drive has increased (I started this blog and I'm working on building my photography business as a side job),  my endurance has increased (I can run more than .25 of a mile--I use to be able to run 10 miles and even several marathons with no problem, but pregnancy got the best of me!) and last, but not least.....I LOST A TOTAL OF 12.5 INCHES SO FAR!!!
  • 3 inches from chest
  • 3 inches from hips
  • 5.5" inches from waist
  • .5" inches from shoulders
  • .5" inches from arms
I don't have a scale at home, so I will update my weight loss later on today. I will also be participating in my first CrossFit class this afternoon...this should be interesting!!!

A powerful quote to leave you with today:

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
~Henry Ford~


  1. That's awesome Sarah!! Paisley is so cute!!

  2. Thanks Jade :) She is getting so big already...I think she's up 2 pounds since the last time you saw her. I just want her to stay little forever haha
